Sustainable Healthy Living

The Wholistic Approach to Being with Nature for Health, Wellness and the Planet

Sustainable Living tree of life
Sustainable Living tree of life

Predict the future by creating it

green plant leaves
green plant leaves

First of all

Welcome to Sustainable Healthy Living

  • Discover the amazing world of living in harmony with Nature through understanding Permaculture and the importance of being connected with nature.

  • Explore the practice and principles of organic food growing, Permaculture and whole systems for a healthier lifestyle in harmony with the environment.

  • Nurture your mind and energy through meditation, mindfulness, energy exercises and other mind-body practices. Nourish your Body through natural foods.

  • Join us on the journey to restore and sustain a healthy Body, Mind, Spirit and the Planet.

a variety of vegetables and vegetables in baskets
a variety of vegetables and vegetables in baskets


Our Approach to Sustainable Healthy Living, Permaculture & Wellness

At Sustainable Healthy Living, we believe in the power of a wholistic approach to health and wellness by seeking to live in harmony with the Earth and Nature.

Our principles revolve around natural nutrition, organic food growing, Permaculture, connecting with Nature, Natural Therapies, Energetic Therapies and various mind-body practices. We encourage people to observe and connect with Nature and to seek to live in harmony with their environment and community.

Join us on this journey of exploration and discovery towards a sustainable, happier and healthier life.


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About Us and What We Do

Bruce Gibson ND developed these concepts, philosophy and practices of Wellness and Sustainable Healthy Living over the last few decades.

At Sustainable Healthy Living, our mission is to empower individuals to embrace a more harmonious, sustainable and healthier life through our wealth of knowledge, including online courses, enlightening books, informative videos, and heartfelt personal experiences, all aimed at fostering a harmonious connection with nature for a happier, healthier future.

This Website acts as an information source and portal for those keen to learn these topics and is a guide to help people get started or develop their interests further toward quality well-being and a better life for all.

At Sustainable Healthy Living, we believe in the interconnectedness of all life on earth. Our mission is to promote a wholistic approach to health and wellness, focusing on the mind, body, spirit and environment. Through the principles, practices and philosophy provided, we aim to collectively help create a sustainable and healthy living environment for ourselves and future generations.

Bruce Gibson of Sustainable Healthy Living
Bruce Gibson of Sustainable Healthy Living

Bruce Gibson ND is an authority and pioneer in wholistic wellness and sustainable living, with an extensive career spanning over four decades. His academic journey began with rigorous studies in Naturopathy, where he earned an ND (Naturopathy Doctor) and a Diploma in Botanic Medicine over 40 years ago.

Bruce practised as a Clinical Naturopath, specialising in Nutritional Therapy, Herbal Medicine and Remedial Therapies gaining a reputation for his expertise and compassionate care. He also ran hundreds of Courses, Retreats and Workshops around Australia.


Nurture your body, mind and soul with Sustainable Healthy Living

shallow focus photo of Gautama Buddha figurine
shallow focus photo of Gautama Buddha figurine

And let's not forget

Nurturing Body, Mind & Energy

Quality nutrition is essential, but we also need to nourish our minds, emotions, and energy. There are numerous ways to do this.

At Sustainable Healthy Living, we understand the importance of the mind and energy in maintaining healthy vitality.

We can restore balance and harmony within ourselves through meditation, mindfulness, grounding, connecting with nature and other mind-body practices as well as energetic therapies.

Embrace the quantum nature of human existence and experience Vital Health and well-being in all areas you choose.

Frequently Asked Questions

Let' have a look at some FAQs for "Sustainable Healthy Living", Permaculture and Wellness.

FAQ: Sustainable Healthy Living

1. What is Sustainable Healthy Living?

Sustainable Healthy Living refers to a lifestyle that seeks to balance personal health and well-being with environmental sustainability. It involves making conscious choices that benefit both individual health and the planet, such as eating a plant-based diet, reducing waste, using eco-friendly products, and incorporating sustainable practices into daily routines.

2. Why is it important to consider the environment in our health and wellness routines?

Our health is closely linked to the environment. Clean air, water, and access to natural spaces contribute to our physical and mental well-being. By considering the environment in our wellness routines, we not only protect our health but also contribute to the preservation and restoration of natural ecosystems.

3. How can I start incorporating sustainable practices into my lifestyle?

Start by making small changes, such as reducing single-use plastics, choosing locally sourced and organic food, conserving water and energy, and walking or cycling for short trips. Educate yourself about sustainable living, and gradually incorporate more eco-friendly habits and products into your life.

4. Can sustainable living actually make a difference in environmental protection?

Yes, individual actions can collectively have a significant impact on environmental protection. When many people adopt sustainable practices, it can lead to reduced demand for non-renewable resources, lower carbon emissions, and less waste, contributing to the health of the planet.

5. What are some eco-friendly fitness and recreation activities?

Eco-friendly fitness and recreation activities include outdoor exercises like walking, hiking, cycling, yoga in the park, and swimming in natural water bodies. These activities not only have a minimal environmental impact but also connect you with nature, enhancing mental and physical health.

6. How can I ensure my diet is both healthy and sustainable?

Focus on a plant-based diet, incorporating a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds. Choose organic and locally sourced foods when possible, reduce meat and dairy consumption, and minimize food waste by planning meals and using leftovers.

7. What role does community play in sustainable healthy living?

Community plays a crucial role by providing support, resources, and shared knowledge. Engaging with community gardens, local sustainability initiatives, and environmental advocacy groups can enhance your efforts to live sustainably. Communities can also influence local policies and practices towards sustainability.

8. Are there sustainable alternatives to common personal care products?

Yes, there are many sustainable alternatives, such as bar soaps and shampoos, bamboo toothbrushes, reusable menstrual products, and natural deodorants. You can also make your own personal care products using natural ingredients.

9. How can I reduce waste in my daily life?

Adopt a zero-waste mindset by refusing unnecessary items, reducing consumption, reusing products, recycling correctly, and composting organic waste. Choose products with minimal or reusable packaging, and repair items instead of discarding them.

10. How can I stay informed and motivated about sustainable healthy living?

Stay informed by reading books, watching documentaries, following reputable blogs and social media accounts focused on sustainability, and attending workshops or community events. Connect with like-minded individuals and communities to share experiences and stay motivated.

Popular Questions on Permaculture

What is permaculture and how does it relate to sustainable healthy living?

Permaculture is a design system rooted in the observation of natural ecosystems. It aims to create sustainable and self-sufficient human habitats by following principles found in nature. Our emphasis is on integrating permaculture into our lifestyles, which leads to healthier living by promoting ecological balance, reducing our carbon footprint, and encouraging us to consume more mindfully and sustainably.

How can I get started with permaculture in my own home or community?

Getting started with permaculture can be as simple as observing your immediate environment and applying permaculture principles to make small, impactful changes. You can begin by composting kitchen waste, planting a vegetable garden, or even setting up a rainwater collection system. We encourage starting small, learning by doing, and gradually expanding your efforts as you gain confidence and experience.

What role does community play in permaculture?

Community is central to permaculture philosophy and sustainable healthy living. We advocate for the development of strong, resilient local economies and social networks through community-supported agriculture, farmers' markets, and mutual support. By fostering collaboration and sharing resources, communities can become more self-sufficient, reduce their reliance on external supply chains, and enhance their overall resilience and well-being and for the benefit of future generations.

Can permaculture practices really make a difference in combating climate change?

Yes, permaculture practices can significantly contribute to mitigating climate change. By adopting methods such as carbon sequestration through soil restoration, increasing biodiversity, and reducing waste, permaculture helps in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and enhancing ecosystem resilience. At Sustainable Healthy Living we highlight values that through thoughtful design and sustainable practices, permaculture provides practical solutions to environmental challenges and social harmony.

How can I learn more about permaculture principles and techniques?

To dive deeper into permaculture, consider exploring resources such as books, online courses, and local workshops. Bruce Gibson's "Growing with Nature" ebook and accompanying resources provide a comprehensive introduction to permaculture principles and practical applications. Joining a local permaculture group or community garden can also offer hands-on experience and the opportunity to learn from others.

What are some simple permaculture practices I can incorporate into my daily life?

Simple permaculture practices include composting organic waste, using natural pest control methods in the garden, conserving water through mulching and drip irrigation, and choosing local and seasonal foods. Bruce encourages incorporating sustainable habits gradually, such as reducing plastic use, biking or walking instead of driving, and supporting local artisans and farmers.

These FAQs are designed to be informative and engaging, offering a glimpse into the permaculture lifestyle and Bruce Gibson's approach to sustainable healthy living.

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Sustainable Healthy Living for a Better Life